

“Karaiti Te Wananga; Te Tairawhiti Te Whare Wananga”

“Wananga emerging in action; action evoking wananga”


“To empower the community of God in Te Tairawhiti to preach what they practice and practice what they preach.”

Founded in 1882, Te Rau College is the Whare Wananga o Te Hui Amorangi ki Te Tairawhiti. The College provides theological education, formal ministry training, and strategic research and development for Te Hui Amorangi ki Te Tairawhiti - providing candidates, ordinands, members of Te Hui Amorangi ki Te Tairawhiti and the wider community with the deep learning-base they need to minister effectively and at a high-quality standard within Te Tairawhiti. This includes tikanga karakia (liturgy), pastoral, mihinare (ecclesiology), reo, tikanga, and paipera (theology/biblical).

For more on Te Rau College see: