Hui Topu
Ngati Porou Rohe is reigniting the Hui Topu kaupapa with an invitation to gather in Hick’s Bay-Wharekahika for whanaungatanga, whanau activities, reka kai, and haka and performances this Easter Saturday, 20 April.
The day-long event will begin 10AM to 3PM with whanau activities, before performances and haka from 4PM, with a blue light disco to close outthe night from 7PM.
Accommodation will be available from Good Friday, 19 April, to Easter Sunday, 21 April. There will also be an Easter Karakia and Confirmations on the Sunday at 10AM.
For more information, any enquiries, and to register a team call Treena Tapine at the Bishop’s Office, (06) 8678 856 or email
Hura Pohatu o Atipihopa Paraone Turei
Whanau, Archbishops, Bishops, minita, and representatives from across Aotearoa gathered at Whangaparaoa January 5th for the unveiling of the headstone of our late Archbishop, Bishop of Aotearoa and Te Tairawhiti, Wiremu Paraone Turei.
It was a beautiful day and occasion, beginning with a powhiri and karakia at Kauaetangohia Marae, before unveiling the headstone at Aorangi Urupa. Dwayne Turei spoke on behalf of the whanau about his grandfather, with Archbishop Philip and Don sharing reflections. Archbishop Don centred his korero on Bishop Brown’s ahua and how daily he got closer than most of us to exemplifying the beatitudes – being humble, merciful, and a peacemaker, to name a few.
A carved pou representing the first Pihopa o Aotearoa, Frederick Augustus Bennett, and by extension the whakapapa of the Bishops of Aotearoa over the better part of 100 years, was also unveiled. It stands next to the Archbishops final resting place, keeping watch from their vantage point overlooking Whangaparaoa. Okioki marie tonu mai, e te Papa Pihopa.
A group of aspirants taking the first step in responding to and discerning a call to licensed and ordained ministry gathered in Turanga, 15-16 February, to explore a theology of calling and to learn about pathways for commissioning and ordination in Te Tairawhiti. In turn, each aspirant was interviewed to further test their calling and start to map out their specific pathways and address further training needs and experience.
It was heartening for Te Rau College Kaiwhakaako to spend time with those ready to respond to God’s call but they are always looking for more. If you have anyone you believe could take the step up to being Kaikarakia and liturgical ministry, Poukarakia and leading karakia in the home and on the marae, or to ordained ministry as Deacons and Priests, then let Te Rau College know.
18-21 April: Nga Ra Tapu – Easter Wānanga, Wharekahika (same weekend as Hui Topu)
14-17 August: Kura Takurua – Winter School, Turanga
For more info and to register click here